Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2nd Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone.... I just thought that you would like to know how the band did at our first contest on saturday.... We were in a class with 3A schools and now we are a 1A school. but it doesn't go bye Size of the band it goes by school size...... But we got 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy!!!!! well thats all for now!!!!
Til Next Time


Clapping Hands

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Band Fish Fry...

Hey everyone!!! Well, today we had a fish fry to raise money for our Florida trip next summer. and lemme tell ya it was a blast!!!!! My job was to roll the fish in the flour. Me, Logan, Stacy, and Macy rolled the fish. lets make a long story short and just say that we kinda sorta had a flour fight and we were absolutely nasty by the time we got done cleaning up... but it was soo much fun.. well gotta go

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Friday Night!!!!!

Hey everyone... Gosh, I has been forever and a day since I been on my computer... But anyway, as most of yuo know i have started schol back and we got mid-terms today. i does not seem like we have benn in school long enough to already be getting mid-terms.But back to my topic, fridya night footbal games are so much fun!!!! I have to go to most of them but I love going. lets just say that the football team has a lot of work to do... for instant, last Thursday at band practice, we set our goals for friday night. It was to march and play better than our football team plays. lemma say that next week we are gunna have to set our goals a little bit higher... because our team LOST 55 to 0... ya i know not a hard goal to reach. Well I gotta Bye!!!!!!!